About Dr. William Burrus Elementary
Dr. WIlliam Burrus Elementary is a STEM designated school located in Hendersonville, TN with about 765 students. We have also been designated by the State of Tennessee as a Reward School for student achievement and growth. We are dedicated to building student leaders who possess the 21st century skills necessary to lead and achieve.
Principal: Shannon Lyles, Ed.S
Assistant Principal: Amy McMenamy, Ed.S
Dr. William Burrus Elementary School's Mission
Our mission is to provide students with a strong foundation for lifelong achievements through the promotion of high academic standards and technology integration in a safe, supportive and collaborative environment. We want to inspire our students today to become leaders in tomorrow's world.
Dr. William Burrus Elementary School's Vision
WBE is committed to a collaborative culture of high performing students, teachers and school community.
STEM Designation
Dr. William Burrus Elementary became a STEM designated school in 2018 and we are proud to teach our students 21st century skills that prepare them for their future. We embed STEM in daily learning.
Mustangs Lead the Way!
Our Student Leadership program makes WBE a special place for students. Our 4th and 5th grade students go through a rigorous application process to be chosen to participate. They are the heart and soul of our school and help it run smoothly while building leadership skills. They are role models for the younger students and they take on daily tasks that help them grow and mature into our future leaders.
Student Enrichment
- House System
- Burrus Big 10
- Burrus Broadcast
- Boys 2 Men
- Environmental Science Club
- STEAM Club
- Student Leadership Team
- Student Leadership Council
- Burrus Broadcast
- Book Club
- Art Club
- Chorus
- Intramurals
- Girls on the Run
- Family STEM Night
- Career Expo
- 40 Book Challenge
- One Book One School
- Student-Led Conferences
- Data Notebooks
- Grade Level Music Programs
We are the Mustangs!